What will your meals look like in 2050?

At KET we are connecting protein innovators from everywhere. It is a great big networking event to imagine the future. Scientists, food technologists, designers, food start-ups, producers and philosophers from all over are coming!

Our event will coincide with NEMO’s future food expo; the science museum will be reserved especially for our attendees.


The future is


Private and unique opening of NEMO’s future of food exhibit, for KET Amsterdam attendees.

We’re taking everyone on a future food journey. Through plant-based alternative protein, that doesn’t harm any living things. We want a delicious and cruelty free future.

The exhibition is curated by Next Nature Network fellow and ‘food futurist’ Chloé Rutzerveld and Tanja Koning , who designed the Future Food Formula installation that invites visitors to design a ‘growth recipe’ for a future vegetable crop. The exhibition includes a wide variety of visions from the Netherlands and abroad.

Culture meat machine as artwork.

We’re showing people the first cultured meat machine outside of the lab. It is a one of its kind art-piece, that will literally make history.

Film maker Matthijs Diederiks’ documentary looks at the world of the ‘functional foods’ which he lived on for a year, and the designer Ira van Eelen – daughter of the in-vitro meat inventor Willem van Eelen – together with Cellular Agriculture LTD working at the University of Bath explains how cultured meat is produced.

Winston’s dreams are coming true.

Let’s not overthink the name it’s just meat.
— Willem van Eelen

Unique food tastings + experiences

We’re preparing an exotic event to not only learn about the future of food, but to also taste it… and learn how to make it.

+ Vegan cheese

+ Algae Cocktails

+ Seaweed burgers

… your taste buds will be pleasantly surprised.


Food for the planet.

Everyone seems to agree that science should find solutions to important issues. It’s vital that citizens themselves also learn about scientific issues and technological developments. Not just to form an opinion about them, but to make active contributions towards solutions in their own living environments.
— Michiel Buchel, director of NEMO