Watch the sessions on the main stage or participate in the roundtables.

Each Main Stage session will be followed by a breakout room where you can continue the discussion and ask questions.


Main Stage

19:00 Meet the moderators: Ira, Emma, Julia and Janna
19:10 What does it taste like?
Dr. Garmt Dijksterhuis
19:25 Home Cooking Made Tasty!
Myrthe van der Vlis
19:30 The flavour of festivals in a pita
Hidde Stolwijk
19:40 Pitching with Julia Gil N. Martin
Berend Eberson – Grünten, Mark Kulsdom – The Dutch Weed Burger, Olijck Foods
19:50 Rebranding the Taste of India
Shruti Sonali
20:00 Unlocking sustainable, tasty ingredients from biomass
Kyla Hagedorn
20:10 Creating an enviroment where tasty new startups can thrive
Amsterdam Trade & Innovate
20:20 Who is regulating our tastebuds?
Ing. Justyna Palasinska
20:30 If it tastes like meat, smells like meat and has the texture of meat...
Daan Luining
20:40 Why the egg came before the chicken
Nate Park
20:50 Beef fat remaigined for the future
Robert E. Jones
21:00 Engineering taste with 3D tissue printing
Giuseppe Scionti
21:10 Converting Taste to Text
Miguel Serrano
21:20 Cook & Chemist. The science of cooking
Eke Marien
21:30 Why Smart People Make Bad Food Choices
Jack Bobo
21:45 The role of education in creating the taste of the future
Julia Gil N. Martin
21:50 Until we meet again
Wrap-up and the tasting film at Willicroft

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